Peer Referral Cost Savings
Find out how much you can save by leveraging the CaredFor app for peer referrals.
Referral Tracking Datasheet
ContinuumCloud’s patient engagement app, powered by CaredFor, includes features that allow existing members to refer family and friends who may benefit from the app. Enabling this feature can be highly beneficial to your organization by increasing patient engagement and improving your admissions rates.
View the datasheet to discover the features and functionality the CaredFor app provides to make peer referrals a seamless and automated process for your organization.

Why CaredFor?
Branded for Your Organization
Our white label patient engagement platform allows you to customize the look and feel of the app with your organization’s own branding for a more personalized touch.
Designed for Behavioral Health
Built for Clients, Families & Alumni
Extend the continuum of care and reach more people through the patient engagement app. Clients can receive support between sessions, families can view resources to provide additional support, and alumni can stay engaged and on the right path post-treatment.